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- Xref: bloom-picayune.mit.edu news.announce.newgroups:2783 news.groups:62110 news.answers:4424
- Path: bloom-picayune.mit.edu!enterpoop.mit.edu!paperboy.osf.org!hsdndev!purdue!haven.umd.edu!uunet!bounce-back
- From: jik@athena.mit.edu (Jonathan I. Kamens)
- Newsgroups: news.announce.newgroups,news.groups,news.answers
- Subject: 2nd CFV and VOTE ACK: *.answers moderated newsgroups
- Message-ID: <1fofrgINNjp6@news.UU.NET>
- Date: 4 Dec 92 20:42:23 GMT
- Sender: tale@news.UU.NET
- Reply-To: mail-server@pit-manager.mit.edu
- Followup-To: poster
- Organization: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Lines: 394
- Approved: news-answers-request@MIT.Edu, tale@uunet.uu.net
- NNTP-Posting-Host: news.uu.net
- Archive-name: news-answers/administrivia
- This is a repeat call for votes and a mass vote acknowledgement for
- the vote to create new *.answers newsgroups. The first section below
- is a copy of the original CFV text. The second section is a list of
- people whose votes have been received so far.
- *************************
- What the vote is about
- This is a CALL FOR VOTES on the proposal to create the following
- moderated newsgroups:
- comp.answers
- misc.answers
- rec.answers
- sci.answers
- soc.answers
- talk.answers
- The charters of these newsgroups will be identical to the charter of
- news.answers, with the addition that each of these newsgroups will
- contain only periodic informational postings that are also posted to
- other newsgroups in the same hierarchy (e.g., the "comp.answers"
- newsgroups would contain only postings that appear in at least one
- other "comp" newsgroup).
- The charter of news.answers, from the "Introduction to the
- news.answers newsgroup" posting, is as follows:
- > What is news.answers?
- >
- > The news.answers newsgroup serves as a repository in which periodic
- >informational postings (a.k.a "Frequently Asked Questions" postings,
- >or "FAQs") from other newsgroups are posted.
- >
- > Although it's difficult to say exactly what qualifies as an FAQ that
- >belongs in news.answers, the basic description is, "any posting which
- >answers common questions and is meant to be read by humans beings."
- >Furthermore, FAQs cross-posted in news.answers should have meaningful
- >subject lines. For example, an FAQ for rec.chess should have a
- >subject line saying something like "chess Frequently Asked Questions
- >(FAQ)," rather than just "Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)."
- >
- > For example, the comp.unix.questions "Frequently Asked Questions
- >about Unix - with Answers [Monthly posting]" and the
- >news.announce.newusers "Emily Postnews Answers Your Questions on
- >Netiquette" belong in news.answers, as does the README file from
- >comp.mail.maps. However, the comp.mail.maps map postings and the
- >readership statistics from news.lists do not.
- >
- > FAQ postings from any hierarchy that travels using "USENET
- >mechanisms" can be cross-posted to news.answers (i.e. news.answers is
- >not limited to postings from the comp, sci, misc, soc, talk, news and
- >rec hierarchies). If an FAQ maintainer feels that his (and I mean
- >that "his" in a completely politically correct, gender-neutral way, so
- >don't bother complaining about it) posting is of interest only to
- >people in its home hierarchy, then he can (try to) restrict the
- >distribution of the FAQ using the Distribution mechanism; if he feels
- >that it is of more general interest, he can avoid any Distribution
- >restrictions, in which case the FAQ might receive a wider distribution
- >that most postings in the hierarchy. This is a pretty reasonable
- >thing, considering that FAQs are often considered the "distilled
- >wisdom" of a newsgroup or group of newsgroups, so a single FAQ from a
- >hierarchy might be of wider interest than the hierarchy as a whole.
- >
- > Where there is an ambiguity, I will decide whether or not a posting
- >belongs in the newsgroup.
- >
- > There are several reasons why this newsgroup exists. They include:
- >
- >* It is easier for site administrators to keep FAQs around for a long
- > time if they are all cross-posted to one newsgroup....
- > Administrators can make the maximum expire time for news.answers
- > very long, instead of making every newsgroup with FAQs in it have a
- > long maximum expire time.
- >
- >* It is easier for sites that archive FAQs to generate their archives,
- > since they will need to watch just one newsgroup rather than
- > scanning the entire news spool.
- >
- >* It provides a "quick reference" for users, in several different
- > respects. Users who want to browse through the various FAQs that
- > the USENET has to offer can do so in just one newsgroup. Users who
- > want to find an FAQ from a particular newsgroup but don't know its
- > subject can search for that newsgroup in the headers of the articles
- > in news.answers.
- >
- >* Software for retrieving FAQs can also be simplified to use
- > news.answers as the basis for FAQ searches.
- These newsgroups are being proposed in order to make it easier for
- users to choose which FAQs they will and will not read, and to make it
- easier for administrators to choose which FAQs will be fed to their
- sites and which will not.
- Initially, these newsgroups will be moderated by the moderator of
- news.answers (i.e., by me). Eventually, I hope to find others to
- moderate some of the newsgroups -- I will develop a mechanism for the
- multiple moderators working together to keep the *.answers newsgroups
- consistent while dividing the labor between them.
- Note that news.answers will continue to exist in its current form,
- even the ones that are cross-posted to other *.answers newsgroups as
- well.
- In addition to the newsgroups being voted on here, other *.answers
- newsgroups will probably be created in some alternative and regional
- hierarchies (for example, alt.answers). However, those groups are not
- being considered here because new groups in other hierarchies are not
- created using the guidelines under which this vote is being held.
- How to vote
- In order to vote for or against this newsgroup, you must send a mail
- message to the address mail-server@pit-manager.mit.edu (if you reply
- via mail to this message, your mail will be directed to that address).
- If your site does not understand that address, you might try:
- mail-server%pit-manager.mit.edu@athena.mit.edu
- mit-athena!pit-manager.mit.edu!mail-server
- uunet!pit-manager.mit.edu!mail-server
- If none of these addresses works, talk to someone at your site who can
- help you address the mail properly. Posted votes will not be counted.
- Votes mailed to the poster of this message will not be counted.
- Your mail should contain in its body one line for each vote you want
- to cast. The line should be in the format "vote newsgroup myvote",
- where "newsgroup" is the name of the newsgroup for which you are
- voting and "myvote" is either "yes", "no" or "abstain". To vote
- easily, you can cut-and-paste the following lines and replace the
- string MYVOTE at the end of each with the vote you want to cast:
- vote comp.answers MYVOTE
- vote misc.answers MYVOTE
- vote rec.answers MYVOTE
- vote sci.answers MYVOTE
- vote soc.answers MYVOTE
- vote talk.answers MYVOTE
- A vote of "yes" indicates approval of the newsgroup. A vote of "no"
- indicates opposition to it. A vote of "abstain" cancels any previous
- vote for or against it.
- Multiple votes from the same person should be sent from the same
- address, although they do not have to be sent in one E-mail message.
- If multiple votes for a particular group are received from the same
- person, the last vote received for that group is the only one counted.
- You should receive a response to your vote, acknowledging its
- receipt, within two days. If you do not, or if you have some other
- problem with voting, you can get help by sending mail to
- postmaster@pit-manager.mit.edu.
- When to vote
- Votes received between the date in the header of this message and
- Sat Dec 20 23:59:59 GMT 1992 will be counted. At least one mass
- acknowledgement and repeat call for votes will be posted during the
- voting period.
- *************************
- The following is a list of people for whom votes have been received
- as of 10PM GMT on December 2. On the left of each line is the address
- from which votes were received, and on the right is a series of dots
- indicating which votes.
- talk.answers------+
- soc.answers------+|
- sci.answers-----+||
- rec.answers----+|||
- misc.answers--+||||
- comp.answers-+|||||
- vvvvvv
- a_rubin@dsg4.dse.beckman.com (Arthur Rubin) .. .
- adams@spss.com (Steve Adams) ......
- al@cs.brown.edu (Andre Lehovich) ......
- alan@nabeth.cxo.dec.com (Alan Rollow - Alan's Home for Wayward Tumbleweeds.)......
- alanb@vexcel.com (Alan Baxter) ......
- allan@sunk.hc.ti.com (Allan Poindexter) ......
- Anders.Hallberg@eua.ericsson.se (Anders Hallberg) ......
- andy@homebase.vistachrome.com ......
- Gary Ansok <ansok@STSCI.EDU> ......
- anson@akb.in-berlin.de ......
- archer@frmug.fr.mugnet.org (Vincent Archer) ......
- Arne Henrik Juul <arnej@kari.fm.unit.no> ......
- arromdee@blaze.cs.jhu.edu ......
- <aultj@rpi.edu> ......
- aw1@stade.co.uk ......
- Tony Zamora <azamora@cs.indiana.edu> ......
- babe39@se01.wg2.waii.com (Brian Button) ......
- bac@netcom.com (Brian Court) ......
- baffa@arcetri.astro.it (Carlo Baffa) ......
- baldwin@csservera.usna.navy.mil (J.D. Baldwin) ......
- bc338569@longs.lance.colostate.edu ......
- Bengt Larsson <bengtl@maths.lth.se> ......
- bharat@cs.uiuc.edu ......
- BIRMINGH@FNAL.FNAL.GOV (Better than a sharp stick in the eye.) ......
- brian@grot.starconn.com (Brian Smithson) ......
- Bruce.Feist@f615.n109.z1.fidonet.org (Bruce Feist) ....
- Bryan Cardoza <Bryan_Cardoza@Novell.COM> ......
- bush@purcell.physics.upenn.edu (Judith Bush) ......
- Alexander EICHENER <C96@vm.hd-net.uni-heidelberg.de> ......
- Carl <carlj@cyclone.bt.co.uk> ......
- carlton@husc.harvard.edu ......
- Charles Shub <cdash@moet.cs.colorado.edu> ......
- Chaw@cs.stanford.edu (Sudarshan S. Chawathe) ......
- chip@tct.com (Chip Salzenberg) ......
- Chris Johnston <chris@cs.uchicago.edu> ......
- Christophe Wolfhugel <Christophe.Wolfhugel@grasp.insa-lyon.fr> ......
- Christopher Davis <ckd@eff.org> ......
- Clive Newall <clive@asis.unimelb.EDU.AU> ......
- "Ofer Inbar" <cos@chaos.cs.brandeis.edu> ......
- coulman@skdad.usask.ca (Randy Coulman) ......
- cuz@chaos.cs.brandeis.edu ......
- cwes1@cs.aukuni.ac.nz (Clare West) ......
- d-lewart@uiuc.edu (Daniel S. Lewart) ......
- dacosta@prl.philips.nl (Paulo da Costa 42147) ......
- dawn@ca.dynix.com (Dawn Whiteside) ......
- devon!paul@vax.cs.pitt.edu ......
- dflowers@caltech.edu . ...
- dob@inel.gov (Dave Brooks) ......
- dosborn@sis.usc.edu (Doug Osborn) .. .
- eastick@ramsey.cs.laurentian.ca (Doug Eastick) ......
- eduardo.rodriguez@dcc.uchile.cl (Eduardo Rodriguez) ......
- emcguire@intellection.com (Ed McGuire) ......
- Ephraim Vishniac <ephraim@Think.COM> ......
- Greg Franklin <F67700241@CCIT.ARIZONA.EDU> ......
- David John Kunz <farif@halcyon.halcyon.com> ......
- William C Fenner <fenner@cs.psu.edu> ......
- follick@jemez.eece.unm.edu ......
- frampton@vicuna.ocunix.on.ca ......
- frederic@safe.ia.gov (^ILeon Frederick - DSB^I) ...
- Geoff Allen <geoff@pmafire.inel.gov> . ..
- gibbsm@ll.mit.edu (MargAret D. Gibbs) ......
- gjb@bullit.void.oz.au (Greg Black) .. .
- Gerben 'P' Vos <gpvos@cs.vu.nl> ......
- grabiner@math.harvard.edu ......
- graham@cs.washington.edu (Stephen Graham) ......
- gregf@tfs.COM (Greg Faulk) ......
- grether@cvtserv1.verfahrenstechnik.uni-stuttgart.de (Bernd Grether (sorescu))......
- gritton@byu.edu ......
- heiby@chg.mcd.mot.com (Ron Heiby) ......
- heiko@groucho.chemie.fu-berlin.de (Heiko Schlichting) ......
- heinau@groucho.chemie.fu-berlin.de (Vera Heinau) ......
- B.J. 19-Nov-1992 1750 <herbison@erlang.enet.dec.com> ......
- Herve.Schauer@ensta.fr (Herve Schauer) ......
- huff@MCCLB0.MED.NYU.EDU (Edward J. Huff) ......
- ian@airs.com (Ian Lance Taylor) ......
- Ian Rogers <ianr@cogs.sussex.ac.uk> ......
- irilyth@FENRIS.CLAREMONT.EDU (Josh Smith) ......
- Irving_Wolfe <Irving_Wolfe@happy-man.com> ......
- iwj@cam-orl.co.uk (Ian Jackson) ......
- J Lee Jaap <J.L.Jaap@larc.nasa.gov> ......
- jamesm@cpsc.ucalgary.ca (Mark James) ......
- bagend!jan@gatech.edu (Jan Isley) ......
- John Bartol <jbart@jbartol.zadall> ......
- jbettis@cse.unl.edu (jeremy bettis) .... .
- Juergen Christoffel <jc@slim.gmd.de> ......
- John DiMarco <jdd@cdf.toronto.edu> ......
- jduncan@jupiter.nmt.edu (John Duncan) ......
- jgm@cs.brown.edu (Jonathan Monsarrat) ......
- jh@nbn.com (John Harkin) ......
- jhawk@panix.com (John Hawkinson) ....
- "Jonathan I. Kamens" <jik@pit-manager.MIT.EDU> ......
- James Mathiesen <JIM@BROWNVM.brown.edu> ......
- jjf@dsbc.icl.co.uk (J J Farrell) ......
- Jay Maynard <jmaynard@oac.hsc.uth.tmc.edu> ......
- jms@tardis.Tymnet.COM (Joe Smith) ......
- <joel@postgres.berkeley.edu> ......
- Johann.Tonsing@ee.up.ac.za ......
- john@iastate.edu ......
- Lord Yak Da Hairy <johny@cogs.sussex.ac.uk> ......
- Jonathan Gowland <jonog@g2syd.genasys.com.au> ......
- jra@barracuda.wti.com (Jim Atkinson) ......
- jrb4599@usl.edu (Blackwell James R) .....
- kaminski@netcom.com (Peter Kaminski) ......
- "Neeran M. Karnik" <karnik@cs.umn.edu> ......
- karsten@tfl.dk ......
- Kelly Derek Deyoe <kdeyoe+@cmu.edu> ......
- echelon!kees@relay.nluug.nl (Kees Hendrikse) ......
- kmc@netcom.com (Kevin McCarty) ... ..
- konrad@mace.cc.purdue.edu (Bill Konrad) ......
- Karleenus Schwartz Davis <ksdavis@silver.ucs.indiana.edu> ......
- leo@ph.tn.tudelft.nl ......
- lhdsy1!lhdsy1.lahabra.chevron.com!shc@uunet.UU.NET ......
- linimon@lonesome.com (Mark Linimon) ......
- Lisa Bjarke <lisa@wilbur.dfrf.nasa.gov> ......
- lwv26@cas.org (Larry W. Virden, x2487) ......
- Danny Schwendener <macman@bernina.ethz.ch> ......
- Magnus Olsson <magnus@thep.lu.se> ......
- Jeff Makey <makey@VisiCom.COM> ......
- Marc.Desrochers@BRI.NRC.CA ......
- markus@mwhh.hanse.de (Markus Witt) ......
- marthag@athena.mit.edu ......
- matwood@labhp13.cs.utah.edu (Mark Atwood) ......
- mbm@dsbc.icl.co.uk (Malcolm Mladenovic) ......
- Dan McDonald <MCDONALD@dallas.sil.org> ......
- mcgregoa@COGNOS.COM (Alayne McGregor) ......
- Martha Gunnarson <mg@wpi.edu> .. ...
- mgfrank@avernus.com (Marc G. Frank) ......
- Magnus Holmberg <mho@stacken.kth.se> ......
- mhpower@Athena.MIT.EDU ......
- Michael.Shields@p1638.f349.n109.z1.fidonet.org (Michael Shields) ......
- Martin Merry <mjm@hplb.hpl.hp.com> ......
- Michael Quinn <MJQUINNUCC.BITNET@mitvma.mit.edu> ......
- mmt@RedBrick.COM (Maxime Taksar KC6ZPS) ......
- Monty Solomon <monty@proponent.com> ......
- mphbj639@emoryu1.cc.emory.edu (Stephen Cristol) ......
- muir@cogsci.Berkeley.EDU (David Muir Sharnoff) ......
- Melissa Wauford <mwauford@UTKUX1.UTK.EDU> ......
- Helge Nareid <nareid@due.unit.no> ......
- neilb@scs.leeds.ac.uk ......
- Ommund Oegaard <oegaard@itk.unit.no> ......
- "M. Otto" <OTTO@vaxb.acs.unt.edu> ......
- Peter Craig <P.S.Craig@durham.ac.uk> ......
- pa@appmag.com (Pierre Asselin) ......
- pae@stortek.com (Phil Earnhardt) ......
- Paul Wells <pfw@wellserv.gwinnett.COM> ......
- Phil.Richards@prg.ox.ac.uk ......
- phoffman@holonet.net (Paul E. Hoffman) ......
- pierre@kaboom.PRPA.Philips.COM (Pierre Uszynski) ......
- prc <prc@gec-mrc.co.uk> ......
- Paul W Schleck KD3FU <pschleck@cwis.unomaha.edu> ......
- Pirawat Watanapongse <pw@cacs.usl.edu> ......
- Joshua Randall <randall-joshua@YALE.EDU> ......
- ron c carman <rccarm00@mik.uky.edu> ......
- red@uhura.neoucom.EDU (Richard E. Depew) ......
- rei2!fox@uunet.uu.net ......
- rhb@mstr.hgc.edu (Roger H. Brown) ......
- rich@boreas.whoi.edu (Richard Pawlowicz) ......
- Richard.Mathews@West.Sun.COM (Richard M. Mathews) ......
- rick@crick.ssctr.bcm.tmc.edu (Richard H. Miller) ......
- rissa@world.std.com (Patricia O Tuama) ......
- rnichols@ihlpm.att.com (Robert K Nichols) .
- roder@cco.caltech.edu (Brenda J. Roder) ......
- roger@prosun.first.gmd.de (Roger Holst) ......
- romero@stat.tamu.edu (Ron Romero) ......
- Eric Rossing <rossing@cs.hope.edu> ......
- rowan@rigel.EPM.ORNL.GOV (Tom Rowan) ......
- rrl@oclc.org (Ralph Levan) ......
- rsk@gynko.circ.upenn.edu (Rich Kulawiec) ......
- rthomson@dsd.es.com (Rich Thomson) ......
- rtw@mtuxj.att.com ......
- rv@cs.brown.edu (rodrigo vanegas) ......
- rwhitby@research.canon.oz.au (Rod Whitby) ......
- Sam.Falkner@Central.Sun.COM (Sam Falkner) ......
- sarel@ford.ee.up.ac.za (Sarel Lugtenburg) ......
- sartin@88OPEN.ORG ......
- Saul Tannenbaum <SAUL_SY@hnrc.tufts.edu> ......
- scott@zorch.sf-bay.org (Scott Hazen Mueller) ......
- shrdlu@willow.sdd.trw.com (Lynda L. True) ......
- simona@panix.com (Simona Nass) ......
- sjsmith@cs.UMD.EDU (Stephen Joseph Smith) ......
- Seth the Lesser <slb22@cunixb.cc.columbia.edu> ......
- Jason Hunsaker <SLHW4@CC.USU.EDU> ......
- slootman@evs2.uia.ac.be (Wim Slootmans) . ..
- Marc Moorcroft <smarry@zooid.guild.org> . . .
- sp0mikpa@edit.his.se (Mikael Parknert) ......
- sridhar@asuvax.eas.asu.edu (Sridhar Venkataraman) ......
- srogers@tad.eds.com (Steve Rogers) ......
- Stefan Linnemann <Stefan.Linnemann@cri.leidenuniv.nl> ......
- Stephan Niemz <stephan@sunlab.ka.sub.org> ......
- Stephen Hebditch <steveh@orbital.demon.co.uk> ......
- stu@valinor.mythical.com (Stu Labovitz) ......
- tam@pythia.itkp.uni-bonn.de ......
- Morten Tandle <tandle@pvv.unit.no> ......
- tim@animal.gcs.co.nz (Tim Frost) ......
- Timothy VanFosson <timv@ccad.uiowa.edu> ......
- tjn@iastate.edu ......
- tom_limoncelli@Warren.MENTORG.COM ......
- tony@microware.co.uk (Tony Mountifield) ......
- tonyd@ssc60.sbwk.nj.us (Tony DeBari) ......
- "Tony (T.) Rice" <trice@bnr.ca> ......
- Tim Pierce <twpierce@unix.amherst.edu> ......
- UHAH013@VAX.RHBNC.AC.UK ......
- wangc@cpsc.ucalgary.ca (Carol Wang) . ...
- werner@cs.utexas.edu (Werner Uhrig) ......
- werner@SOE.Berkeley.Edu (John Werner) ......
- wirzeniu@cc.helsinki.fi (Lars Wirzenius) ......
- wjw@eb.ele.tue.nl (Willem Jan Withagen) ..
- wombat@nfinit.enet.dec.com ......
- (The Crossjammer) <xjam@cork.CS.Berkeley.EDU> ......
- "Yvonne Y. Yang" <yyy2t@holmes.acc.Virginia.EDU> ......
- --
- Jonathan Kamens jik@MIT.Edu
- MIT Information Systems/Athena Moderator, news.answers